Synthetic Opal


Synthetic opal came on the market in 1974 and is produced in the two basic varieties of ornamental value, with a light or dark ground.

Appearance It matches the appearance of noble or precious opal precisely, with patches of iridescence on a milky white or deep blue to smoke gray or blackish ground. Naturally, the contrast between the background and colored patches produced by light diffraction is stronger in the dark variety (see the section on natural opal). It is generally cut into oval or round cabochons; more rarely, into less regular shapes, the thickness not usually exceeding 5 millimeters. Recently, however, polished, spherical necklace beads with a diameter of 7-8 millimeters and more have been manufactured, proving that it can be produced in greater thick

Distinctive features It is very hard to distinguish from natural opal. Only under a microscope can one see a difference in the patches of color, which have a minutely tesselated appearance like lizard skin, never seen in the natural variety. As a result, the edges of the colored patches are also minutely sinuous and indented.

Cost The white opal is less expensive than the black, which costs as much as some natural secondary gems, but less than the most expensive synthetic products.



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