

Pyrite was and still is employed as an ornamental material on account of its luster, its elegant crystal form, the ap pearance of some roughly radial concretions or certair groups of crystals, and the fact that it can be cut and polished. It is often confused with the dimorph marcasiteanother, very similar mineral of the same color which is much less common and has orthorhombic symmetry. Ir fact the misnomer is now so widespread that it is nearly always referred to as marcasite when used for ornamentai purposes, even if the obvious cubic crystal form leaves nc doubt as to its being pyrite. If anything, it is the concreteo nodules of sedimentary origin that could occasionally be marcasite.

Appearance Isolated cubes with striated faces, pentagonal dodecahedra, or small groups of these two forms with their natural facets are normally used, although sometimes the nodules are used instead. These consist of minute crystals with a flattened, radial structure, a minutely granular surface and the characteristic, metallic yellow color Small stones (2 to 3 millimeters in diameter) have sometimes been given a flattened circular, rose cut with only three polished facets on top.

They are generally set in white metal, for obvious reasons of contrast, and are sometimes merely glued, rather than set, onto their supports They are often found on necklace clasps and old-fashioned, inexpensive brooches.
Distinctive features In uncut stones, the shape of the crystal combined with the color, luster, and high density, or the form of the nodules, are unmistakable. Even when cut its appearance is unique.

Occurrence It is very common and widely distributed throughout the world, even in the qualities suitable for ornamental purposes.

Value Extremely low.

Simulants and synthetics Because of its widespread occurrence, it is neither imitated nor produced synthetically.


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