Pink Coral


Not often seen on the market a few decades ago, pink cc is now widely available; large quantities of it come from Orient.

Appearance The Mediterranean type (a special varof the more common red coral) is very compact and, - red coral, takes a good polish, with barely visible orgz structures and a fairly uniform, soft pink to white color. ' oriental variety often has more clearly visible orga structures, sometimes emphasized by the presence c, white center or concentric color zoning. It is often v• pale, with shaded areas or patches of pink or orange piOn other occasions it has concentric zones of color frvery bright pink to light pink or whitish; but it may beautiful uniform pink, very similar to Mediterranean cc, Sometimes, the rings of the trunk are genuine discontir ties or cracks and there may be other extensive radia' variously oriented cracks, making the whole struct. more brittle and therefore less valuable.

Costliest of all rthe most compact, easily polished varieties, without cra: - or cavities, of a perfectly uniform soft pink color, with any trace of orange. When pink coral has all these char teristics, combined with an antique pink color, and with - merest hint of violet, it is known as pelle d'angelc "angel's skin." It is meaningless to describe patchily c ored coral as pelle d'angelo type" or part pelle d gelo," as the very existence of patches or discontinuit rules out such a definition. The interior varieties often hr poor polish, cracks, and, as a rule, some artificial cc Objects manufactured from pink coral include polish, spherical necklace beads, roughly carved but rarely ceted pieces, necklaces, pendants, cabochons, and otr items of jewelry, and figurines.

Distinctive features As with red coral, the most imptant distinctive features are the typical organic structur (clearly visible in evenly colored corals, but much less ::: parent in the others) and reaction to hydrochloric ac Minute examination is necessary to distinguish it from n pink shell used for the same purpose. The structure of ~latter is different, consisting of almost flat or slightly curc parallel layers, never concentric rings; but the reactior hydrochloric acid is identical. With pink coral, it is very ~ portant to establish whether the color is natural or wheth as often happens nowadays, the color of almost white cc, has been heightened by the use of dyes.

Traces of dye may be visible in small, superficial cavltir or one may be able to see, by splitting one bead of a neclace, that the outer surface and that of a preexisting cra-are more deeply colored than the newly fractured or - These are the main methods of detecting the presence artificial colorants.

Occurrence Very limited quantities of pink coral cor from the Mediterranean; considerable quantities, althou : mainly of inferior quality, come from the Far East, es~cially Japan. The pelle d'angelo variety, which is not co• mon, may come from the Mediterranean, the Gulf of Chi, (in China), or from Japan. Value Good quality pink coral of a uniform and attrac* color is worth at least as much as red coral. Most of pink coral on the market is, however, of inferior quality r, has been artificially colored. It is therefore much less vable and is worth perhaps a quarter of the red van, White coral also has quite a low value, given its poor or, mental qualities.

Simulants As already mentioned, pink coral can be ~ tated by similarly colored shells, which, apart from havir different structure, have a slightly higher density of ab2.85 g/cm3 (compared with 2.63-2.70 g/cm3 for ~ - coral). But the main problem with this type of coral is common practice of using dyes to improve coral tha, mainly white, contains a few streaks of pale color, or is -: tinctly patchy. In some cases it is difficult and costly to tect this type of fraud. Perhaps for this reason, pink cc has fallen sadly into disrepute, except for the better vaties obtained from reliable sources.

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