Pink to red tourmaline is called rubellite.

Appearance The color varies from pink of varying degrees of intensity to a red which is quite attractive, although usually a bit less lively than that of ruby; it may also be violet pink or red, and pink or red with a brownish tinge Like all tourmalines, it has strong pleochroism, sometimes visible as a deeper color or lesser transparency along the axis of the prism. It is cut into all shapes; cabochons when the stone is too full of inclusions, but more often faceted oval, round, pear-shaped or other creative styles. Quite large stones are often seen.

Distinctive features In many cases, the color is fairly distinctive: it is a bit subdued, and not enlivened by bright light like ruby. When the stone is cut with the table fa perpendicular to the axis of the prism, to achieve a deei: redder color, it shows a strange loss of transparency. P tourmalines are, as a rule, also rather duller than otlw similar gems, but may be a beautiful, brilliant violet-pink

Occurrence It is found in Siberia (to the extent that sc call the violet-red variety siberite), Burma, Sri Lanka, B zil, the United States (California), and Madagascar.

Value The liveliest, bright red or very attractive Fv gems with few inclusions are not common and are q.. valuable secondary gems. Stones of more subdued c, are readily available and quite modestly priced.

Simulants and synthetics It is neither imitated nor ~ duced synthetically.






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