Colorless zircon


This is the variety best known to the general public, whicr for years regarded it as a substitute for diamond capable c' deceiving anyone by its appearance. The name zircon har thus become synonymous with cheap imitation, hopelesslv discrediting even the beautiful, colored specimens. Colorless zircon can, apparently, also be obtained by heattreatment of brown or reddish stones. Variations in colo• achieved purely by heating are regarded as normal, ncfraudulent, practice.

Appearance Colorless, or with a faint grayish tinge, zircon has outstanding luster, although less than that of thc diamond it has normally been required to imitate. It ~, mainly given a brilliant cut, but often of a slightly differew type, with eight extra facets added to the pavilion, startinc from the tip, to improve its luster (this is, in fact, known as a: zircon cut). Antique stones are often not round, b~' squarish, with rounded corners, as was once the case witr diamonds. Because zircon is somewhat brittle and not ver, hard, the edges are often slightly damaged. Therefore it not very suitable for rings, as the stones can easily lose their polish.

Distinctive features Marked birefringence, immediatel; detectable with a lens from doubling of the facet edges was and still is the main feature used to distinguish zircor from diamond. Examination of the edges which, as mentioned, in the case of zircon always show signs of brittleness, is another clue to identification. With regard to the physical properties of high zircon, the refractive indicee are not easily measured, being above the range of mos refractometers, but density and hardness can identify w Furthermore, most zircons, whatever the color, usuai . have a highly characteristic absorption spectrum.

Occurrence Sri Lanka is so renowned for colorless z,, cons that, in the past, they were known as Matara dimonds (after the city at the southern tip of the island). B.. Thailand and South Vietnam also have important depositc Value Distinctly low. No longer in demand as a substitwfor diamond, it is of interest mainly to collectors.

Simulants and synthetics It may seem odd that a gethat has chiefly been used to imitate another (diamon= should in turn be imitated. Yet every now and then colc•less synthetic spinel, YAG, and cubic zirconia appear c the market under the name of zircon. They are obvious . imitations, although there can be some confusion over the last because of the similarity of its name. Zircon is not w present produced synthetically.

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